Hug Me - The Movie

Hug Me - The Movie

Genres Animation

Directors Anna Blaszczyk

Writer Emilia Dziubak

Country China

Votes 24

IMDBID tt19896206

Runtime 70

Languages English

Release 18 Nov, 2022

Cast 1

On his birthday, the growing up Bear wants to experience the first adventure in his life and go to the legendary Golden Land, which is not appreciated by Daddy, who likes cave baths and long, quiet naps. To fulfill his dream, Teddy will not only have to convince Daddy that the journey through the forest to the Golden Land can be pleasant, but also prove that he is old enough to go on an unknown adventure. Mysterious clues given to the heroes by bees lead the Bears to the edge of the forest, where they will for the first time confront the greatest mystery - the mysterious and mysterious world of humans.
